I added “World (map)” panel to my Shiny app. You can see where are the relatively hot areas.
Under the hood, I moved preprocess out of Shiny to make start up quicker.
Mitsuo Shiota
April 15, 2021
I added “World (map)” panel to my Shiny app. You can see where are the relatively hot areas.
Under the hood, I moved preprocess out of Shiny to make start up quicker.
title: 'Update: add World (map) to Covid-19'
author: Mitsuo Shiota
date: '2021-04-15'
- economics
- R
- Shiny
I added "World (map)" panel to [my Shiny app](https://mitsuoxv.shinyapps.io/covid/). You can see where are the relatively hot areas.
Under the hood, I moved preprocess out of Shiny to make start up quicker.